Monday, October 14, 2024

"Some of the city's tallest and finest mixed-use buildings will cluster around the Carling Avenue O-Train/future LRT."

 Planning Area - This chapter applies to the Preston-Carling District, bounded

  • on the north by Highway 417
  • on the east by Rochester Street
  • on the south by Carling Avenue, Prince of Wales Drive and the Central Experimental Farm
  • on the west by Bayswater Avenue, Sherwood Drive, Breezehill Avenue South, Hickory Street, Loretta Avenue South, Beech Street and Railway Street.
Station Area - page 3/16 - Centred around the Carling Avenue O-Train/ future LRT Station along Carling and Champagne Avenues, the Station Area will see the tallest buildings and the highest densities in the entire district. A gradual reduction in height and density from the centre towards the surrounding neighbourhoods as well as Dows Lake and the Central Experimental Farm will be necessary. Opportunities for a nationally significant building will be explored on land owned by the National Capital Commission south of Carling Avenue east of the O-Train/future LRT. (Information is from the Preston-Carling District Secondary Plan, March 14, 2016.)

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