Saturday, October 12, 2024

The 125-acre Hog's Back Park

"Desirous of providing a park in the southern part of Ottawa comparable to the Rockcliffe Park in the eastern part of Ottawa, the Commission continued, in 1957, the progressive development of Hog's Back Park. Located as it is in the new government group of office buildings where thousands of employees will be housed within the next 5 years, this park in addition to its use by the general public will be used for picnics on a large scale."

"The plans for the additional service buildings at Hog's Back picnic area have been approved by the Commission. These plans comprise a refreshment pavilion, a general shelter, a bus stop and rest rooms. Among its main features will be a parking area for a total of 540 cars and a bus terminal; two softball diamonds; 400 picnic tables; several overlooks and 30 outdoor fireplaces and drinking fountains. The formal opening of the 125-acre Hog's Back Park picnic grounds are scheduled to take place early next summer." Location - the east side of the Rideau River, north of Hog's Back Falls. (Information is from the 1957 Annual Report of the Federal District Commission, page 17/49).

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