Sunday, June 16, 2019

A Canadian Senator, the Hon. Serge Joyal, is opposed to Larco's plan for the Chateau Laurier.

Thursday, May 30, 2019.
SENATOR'S STATEMENTS - Chateau Laurier Extension
Hon. Serge Joyal:  Honourable Senators, I think it is only proper to draw your attention to a project to expand the Chateau Laurier, which is located across the street from the Senate building, because the Chateau Laurier is part of Parliament Hill's historic core...Let me remind you that back in 1912, the Chateau Laurier's architects, Ross + MacFarlane from Montreal, also developed the plans for the Union Station, where we sit now.
The objective at that time was to build two outstanding buildings to give visitors to Ottawa the impression of a grand and perennial national capital in the classical historical style of ancient Rome, with a train station modelled on the Roman public baths of Emperor Caracalla, and an impressive hotel with all the charm of a medieval castle with its turrets and towers.

Today the historical integrity of the Chateau Laurier is threatened by an expansion project that would add a modern addition to the original construction that would have, as commented on by Mayor Jim Watson, the subtlety of a pile of containers...Honourable senators, we cannot remain indifferent to the historical mistake that will happen with this ill-conceived expansion project, as very nearly happened before.
Let me remind you that in 1966 the federal Public Works Department had decided to demolish the train station where the Senate sits now to allow for parking spaces. What a disaster it would have been...We would not be sitting here today in this beautiful historic building.

Senators should have their voices heard as standing against the proposed expansion project of the Chateau Laurier because the architectural details are ill matched. It does not take into account the character and soul of the original building and its built environment.

Parliamentarians represent the loyal customers who support the profitability of the Chateau Laurier. We are also the trustees of the integrity of Parliament Hill. Let us have our voices heard in denouncing such a historical error. I believe future generations will credit us for preventing this mistake, as we today thank those who prevented the demolition of this very Senate building in 1966.
To see YouTube video of Senator Joyal's statement, Google:
Senator Joyal, P.C. on the Chateau Laurier Extension-May 30, 2019 (English feed.)

Le sénateur Joyal  sur le projet d'agrandissement du Chateau Laurier - 30 mai 2019. (Source francaise). 

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