Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Government of Canada has a duty to protect historic buildings and landscapes in the National Capital.

The National Capital Act (1985) applies to publicly and privately-owned properties.
Objects, Purposes and Powers
10 (1) The objects and purposes of the Commission are to prepare plans for and assist in the development, conservation and improvement of the National Capital Region in order that the nature and character of the seat of Government of Canada may be in accordance with its national significance.
(2) The Commission may, for the purposes of this Act,
(g) administer, preserve and maintain any historic place or historic museum;
(Note The Experimental Farm is known as a museum without walls - AC, creator of this blog savecfbrockcliffe.)
The Experimental Farm
The Civic Hospital is  planning to take over more Experimental Farm land than they were originally given which is 60 acres.
5.5.3. Site Selection Criteria
5.) Future expansion: Flexibility for future expansion over and above what is currently planned, within 60 acres. (Google: "site selection review and report - Greenspace Alliance"- April 2016, page 22/75.)
Queen Juliana Park, 870 Carling Avenue, will be a parking lot for hospital employees and visitors.
     "The Mixed-Use Centre (MCFC(1.5)) zoning has been designated for Queen Juliana Park and the existing parking lot at the corner of Preston and Carling. The MC zone allows for a parking garage, a parking lot, a drive-through facility but does not include the notion of a park (even a small park) as one of the uses. While the F(1.5) allows some flexibility for building heights it appears that it is more applicable for parking as the dominant usage." (Planning and Development Committee-Civic Hospital, September 15,2017,Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association.)
Many heritage buildings will be flattened.
    "On this site we have at least 24 buildings...Extensive demolition and/or relocation of buildings is required to allow for the new build to proceed."(Google: site selection review and report -Greenspace Alliance-Page 57/59.)
The following heritage buildings will be removed:
K.W. Neatby Building East
Oilseed Research Centre
Genetics Building
The Dominion Observatory Campus
The taxpayers of Canada will have to pay for the destruction of:
A National Historic Site of Canada.
A National Interest Land Mass.
Recognized and Classified Federal Heritage Buildings.
Why are you not preventing this from happening Parks Canada,National Capital Commission, Public Works and Government Services, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Heritage, the Historic Sites and Monuments Board and the citizens of this country?This is OUR property.
William Saunders Building.
Politician and writer Clive Doucet, pictured, is calling for a public inquiry into why the Experimental Farm was chosen as the site for the new hospital, he is a founder of the group "Reimagine Ottawa."(Photo by Andrew Foote, CBC News.) See the YouTube video "Ottawa prepares to hand over Historic Federal Farmland to Corporate Developers."
The Dominion Observatory Campus, Carling Avenue, Ottawa. All of the buildings are doomed. (1966 Ingenium photo.)

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ottawa's Experimental Farm should be designated a Province of Ontario Heritage Conservation District.

Reasons why:
1.)  The government of Canada wanted to demolish the Booth Barn and Dominion Observatory during the mid 1990's. Intervention by Heritage Ottawa, the Heritage Canada Foundation, the City of Ottawa and the Province of Ontario saved the Booth Barn.
2.)  The Ottawa Civic Hospital was given 60 acres of Experimental Farm land. Twelve acres of that space will be rezoned to permit the construction of residential and commercial establishments.
3.) The Farm is a National Interest Land Mass but the National Capital Commission can declassify NILM holdings.
4.) The Friends of the Farm are worried about the future of:
The Observatory Campus
William Saunders Building
Heritage House (#60)
Genetics Building (#34.)
(From: Friends of the CEF Fall 2017 newsletter.)
5.) Research conducted on the CEF helped the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change win the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. The CEF is an endangered landscape because the federal government is "getting out of the business of running experimental farms." (From a CBC article "Ottawa closing experimental farm" February 25, 2005.)
Ottawa Heritage Conservation Districts
Rockcliffe Park
New Edinburgh
Lowertown West
Russell Range
Sparks Street
Cathedral Hill
"Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act (OHA) allows municipalities to recognize and protect neighbourhoods, rural landscapes, main streets and other areas of special cultural value that have a cohesive sense of time and place. Designated heritage districts often enjoy a renewed cultural and economic vitality not only because district designation highlights their special values but also because they are protected from decay and the intrusion of incompatible structures."
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada never wanted to see a hospital on the Experimental Farm
This is what they envisioned for the Sir John Carling Building site during the year 2013:
     "Redevelopment of the site of the Sir John Carling Building, to serve as a place where the public can meet and learn from one another, with a CEF Visitor's Centre and facilities for the National Collections." (Central Experimental Farm National Historic Site Management Plan - 2013 - Page 2 of 20.)

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Tiny Tim sang "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" during the Tulip Festival.

In the year 2012 the Canadian Tulip Festival planned to relocate because the agency could not afford to lease property from the National Capital Commission. The venues were:
Dow's Lake/ Commissioner's Park - The Dow's Lake parking lot, Queen Juliana Park (870 Carling Avenue) and the Central Experimental Farm are part of a 60 acre land deal, a donation of federal public property to the Ottawa Civic hospital. I would not be surprised if the Civic is granted more Agriculture Canada land because it would be in "the public interest" to expand their facility. Then they will build housing for medical students, a hospice, research laboratories, a walk-in clinic, an addiction and rehab centre, etc. As I have said before, the Chretien government wanted to demolish the Dominion Observatory during the mid-1990's.
 If one acre of the Experimental Farm is divested the floodgates will open and I anticipate the demise of the Farm and the Observatory Campus.
Major's Hill Park.
The Central Experimental Farm is a National Interest Land Mass property. It is untouchable.
Definition of the term National Interest Land Mass
"The National Interest Land Mass (NILM) identifies lands that are essential to the achievement of the NCC's mandate. Lands identified within the NILM are required to support the symbolism, functions, physical structure, and natural and cultural landscape qualities of Canada's Capital. A NILM designation indicates a formal expression of the federal government's interest in the long-term use of these lands in a manner that supports Canada's Capital." (From: "NCC Proponent's Guide to the NCC's Federal Land Use, Design and Transaction Approvals Process" - September 2018 - Page 7/20.)
More National Interest Land Mass federal lands that should be protected from corporate,residential and commercial development in perpetuity:
1.)  The Greenbelt - 49,421 acres of publicly-owned federal greenspace.
The following groups are trying to maintain the integrity of the landscape:
Save Our Greenspace! - Protecting the Greenbelt.
Alliance to Save Our Greenbelt - Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital.
2.)  Lincoln Fields/Pinecrest Creek - an 88-acre greenspace corridor,
3.)  West Hunt Club (north) and Highway 416 - 64 acres.
4.)  Booth Street Complex.
( Information about 2,3 and 4 is from "NCC Federal Site Review for the New Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital" November 2016 - page 27 of 256 pages.)

Tiny Tim performed at the Rideau Centre shopping mall and  Dow's Lake. (Chris Makula photo, Ottawa Citizen.) He stayed in the Chateau Laurier which was then a Crown asset.. World famous photographer Malak Karsh was the founder of the Tulip Festival and he and Mrs. Karsh were Chateau Laurier inhabitants for years.

The National Capital Commission is responsible for protecting the Chateau Laurier.

     The NCC released a statement about a proposed expansion of the building:
"The Chateau Laurier is part of the National Capital's iconic skyline. But as it's privately owned, and on private property, the NCC has no official role in approving the design of the addition." (July 13, 2019.)
Well, the hotel was privately owned and on private land in 2005, yet the Crown corporation dismissed any notion that the landmark could be altered or significantly expanded:
"The NCC, working with Parks Canada, Public Works and Government Services and the National Arts Centre will lead planning, development, programming and commemoration initiatives with the Rideau Canal Area, in cooperation with the City of Ottawa and other non-federal partners...
An Area Plan will be prepared for the Rideau Canal character area, to further develop and elaborate upon a number of policy directions identified in this section.
To preserve and enrich character
  "Preserve the historic character of the Chateau Laurier Hotel and the Government Conference Centre building (former Ottawa Union Station), key buildings in the Core Area." (From: NCC "Canada's Capital Core Area Sector Plan" - June 2005, Page 108/173.)

I am celebrating my birthday at Zoe's Lounge, Chateau Laurier, July 2019.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Prison for Women in Kingston is being destroyed.

I am calling for an immediate moratorium on the redevelopment of the Prison for Women, 40 Sir John A. Macdonald Boulevard, Kingston Ontario. 
1.) The Village of Portsmouth may be designated a UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Site, and the  following buildings and land will be preserved by the United Nations:
The Prison for Women
Kingston Penitentiary
Corrections Canada Museum
Isabel MacNeill Halfway House
Church of the Good Thief
Penitentiary Water Tower
Stone Gables
Corrections Canada Training Centre on Union Street.
Rockwood Asylum
The Portsmouth Olympic Harbour.

2.)  The owner of the Prison for Women is planning to build residential towers that will block views of future UNESCO World Heritage sites, the Pen and Portsmouth Harbour:
City Council Agenda - May 8, 2019 - Brownfield Initial Study Grant Program Page 4
 40 Sir John A. Macdonald Boulevard, Kingston Ontario.
     "The property is bounded by Sir John A. Macdonald Boulevard to the east and Union Street and King Street to the north and south respectively. The owner has stated that the proposed redevelopment of the property will include residential and commercial components that involve the construction of three new buildings and the extensive renovation of the existing Prison for Women building. The proposed redevelopment will be a mixed use comprised of residential, retail and office space for a total area of approximately 795,000 square feet of buildings and approximately 146 surface parking spots." 
Rogers and Trainor Commercial Real Estate sold the Prison for Women property.
"The site contains a 54,000 sqft building occupying a footprint of approximately 15,000 sqft."
Compare: Now - a 54,000 square foot building.
                 In the future - 795,000 square feet of buildings.
The entire 8.1 acres of land will be taken over by condominiums and a parking lot. Does anybody care?  The people of Canada have lost a National Historic Site; a Recognized Federal Heritage Building and part of their penitentiary history. The New Westminster Federal Penitentiary in BC and the Saint Vincent de Paul Pen in Laval, Quebec are gone.
     3.)  The Prison for Women known as P4W was designated a heritage building under Section 1V of the Ontario Heritage Act.
4.)  The Village of Portsmouth will eventually be a Government of Ontario Heritage Conservation District.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Canadian Tulip Festival selling 150 sculptures.

They cannot be that desperate for money. I think this is a real shame, the sculptures were a tourist attraction in the Westboro and Hintonburg neighbourhoods. I saw many people take photographs of the giant tulips. The Federal Department of Heritage should buy these unique and colourful icons before they are scattered to the winds. If I had enough money I would buy the entire collection and donate them to a museum or to an agency that appreciates their beauty.
Did the Tulip Festival contact the National Art Gallery on Sussex Drive or a museum?
An update on the fate of the tulips - August 28, 2019.
In late July of 2019 the Canadian Tulip Festival sold 100 out of 250 five-foot tulips, they were fifteen years or older. Fifty others were purchased by an airport, hotels, BIA's (Business Improvement Areas) and other entities. The Tulip Festival kept many of the most valuable icons. They will appear on sidewalks during the spring.

Mayor of Ottawa Jim Watson. (Canadian Tulip Festival photo.)

The 1993 addition to the Chateau Frontenac Hotel in Quebec City.

Chateau Frontenac Hotel, Quebec City. (The photo is from "Skyscraper Page Forum Chateau Laurier Expansion|Proposed - Page 48.)
The architects who designed the new wing copied the style of the original hotel. The Historic District of Old Quebec was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site partly to preserve and protect the following landmarks:
The Chateau Frontenac
Place Royale and Petit-Champlain
Old Port - the ESpace 400e Pavilion is currently for sale by the federal government.
Rue Saint-Jean
Parliament Hill
The Plains of Abraham
The Fortifications of Quebec.
A few years ago I visited Quebec City and many of the churches are facing an uncertain future. Our tour bus operator pointed out the different locales where Celine Dion performed including churches, a concert hall and the Plains of Abraham.
The following sites were also memorable, to me:
1.)  The terrace at the Chateau Frontenac where dancers and musicians performed.
2,)   The cobblestone streets.
3.)  The many statues.
4.)   Louis S. St-Laurent Building at 3 Passage du chien d'or where I mailed postcards.
5.)   Gare du Palais where the Via train station and a bus depot are located.
6.)   An elevator between upper and lower town called the Funicular Lift.
7.)  The lobby at the Chateau where a dog (a Labrador Retriever I believe) is a permanent resident.

The 1953 movie "I Confess" was filmed entirely in the City of Quebec. (From: MovieStill.DB.)

Buster Keaton travels across Canada on a CN rail maintenance car in the 1965 movie "The Railrodder." (From:

Chateau Lake Louise, Alberta. Painter Wing -1913. Barrott Wing - 1925. Glacier Wing - 1988. Mount Temple Wing - 2004. (From: FlyerTalk.)

Monday, August 26, 2019

More buildings that are no longer owned by the People of Canada.

Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell are singing "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" in front of the Ontario pavilion at Expo 67 in Montreal. The video can be seen on YouTube. (Photo from YouTube.)
Former post office, 115 Prince William Street, Moncton, New Brunswick. Converted into high-end condominiums. (Hip Postcards.)

Post office located at 1039 Princess Avenue, Brandon, Manitoba. Currently for sale. (Hip Postcards.)

Montgomery's Tavern National Historic Site of Canada, 2384 Yonge Street, Toronto Ontario. (Photo from Canada's Historic Places.)
Dominion Building, 35 King Street North, Waterloo Ontario. (Photo from Canada's Historic Places.)
Almonte, Ontario Dominion Building, 73 Mill Street. A National Historic Site of Canada. Currently for sale. (Photo from

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Kingston Penitentiary is a filming location for the television program "Titans".

Superman with Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder (1978.)
Alias Grace
The Danielle Aykroyd music video "Small Minds" by Vera Sola.

An NCC document proves that the addition to the Chateau is a condominium project.

"The design and contractual sale condominium agreements for the addition must fully resolve noise generated by continuing events in Major's Hill Park, and avoid any possibility of complaints by residents of the new addition."
(From: "NCC Chateau Laurier Urban Design Guidance." Year 2008.)
The NCC included the following statement in the document:
"The addition should convey a residential character through the treatment of the podium and by implementing a truly contemporary architecture that also recognizes and is compatible with the heritage character of the hotel without falling into a historic or stylized architecture seeking to replicate the original building."
     What is wrong with trying to copy the original design of the hotel? When Sheila Copps was the Minister of Heritage the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise created an addition that is identical to the original hotel.
It is worth noting that the NCC owned the Chateau during the mid-1960's, and the Crown corporation is the custodian of Major's Hill Park. I can envision:
1.) Larco buying Major's Hill Park land in order to expand their investment even more. If Larco owns the air rights over the hotel the City of Ottawa will never permit a vertical expansion. Federal parkland in Ottawa has been sold before:
--- The City of Ottawa wanted to buy the 88-acre Moffat Farm in the year 2002 for $400,000 dollars, but the offer was rejected.The land was sold to a developer who created a subdivision called "Prince of Wales on the Rideau".
---Many people wanted the Daly Building vacant lot to be transformed into a park. But Chairman Beaudry said that neighbouring businesses, even the Chateau Laurier owner, were against that idea because of "vagrants."
---A vacant property next to the Connaught Building was destined to be part of Major's Hill Park but the green space was sold to the American government for their embassy. (From: Dreams of Major's Hill Park, 1969-1970 - Urbsite.)
---PWGSC is giving Queen Juliana Park at 870 Carling Avenue to the Civic Hospital.

2.) Canada Day celebrations and other events on Major's Hill being banned if the condo residents complain.
3.) Larco cutting down the trees that block Chateau Laurier views of Major's Hill Park.

13, 249 people signed the petition "Block changes to the Chateau Laurier's Classic Look/Protegez le Chateau Laurier" as of  today, August 26, 2019.
Nineteen years ago a proposed extension to the hotel replicated the architectural character of  1 Rideau Street, Ottawa:
Heritage Alteration - Chateau Laurier, 1 Rideau Street - Executive Report (Page 99 of 111 pages.)
     "This addition will add approximately 159 new rooms and approximately 72 parking spaces...The form of the addition has respected the massing, height, articulation and materials of the existing building while retaining its own character. Limestone will continue to be used as the principal material to face the building...The proposed addition to the Chateau is recommended for approval because it is respectful of the architectural character of the original building while creating a design of interest in its own right." (From: Planning and Economic Development Committee, City of Ottawa--July 27, 2000.)

Heritage Alteration - 1 Rideau Street Ottawa. The trees were retained.The drawing is from a July 27, 2000 report.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

"Renewed opposition to a new Civic Hospital on the Central Experimental Farm" - Andrew Foote, CBC News, January 21, 2017.

 The Dominion Observatory campus can be seen in the background. Politician and writer Clive Doucet is pictured, he is a founder of a group called "Reimagine Ottawa" which is fighting the relocation of the Carling Avenue hospital to the Farm. (CBC News photo, Andrew Foote.)
The Government of Canada "is getting out of the business of running experimental Farms." -  CBC article "Ottawa closing experimental farm" February 25, 2005.
The Mulroney and successive governments have been decommissioning Agriculture Canada properties for years. Because they want to sell the land.
 They do not care about the Nobel Prize winning research that is being conducted on the fields and in laboratories; the loss of thousands of jobs; the destruction of habitat and breeding grounds for wild animals; demolition of historic buildings; and the environmental impact of Walmart stores, condominiums, roads and parking lots being built on the land. It's all about the money...

 Even more farms were decommissioned than I ever imagined:
1.) Animal Diseases Research Institute - 100 boulevard Gamelin, Gatineau Quebec.
2.)  Cereal Breads Laboratory - Winnipeg, Manitoba.
3.)  Entomology Laboratory - Chatham, Ontario.
4.)  Entomology Laboratory - Kamloops, British Columbia.
5.)  Fort Vermillion, Alberta.
6.)  Fort William, Ontario.
7.)  Indian Head, Saskatchewan.
8.)  Kamloops, British Columbia.
9.)  L'Assomption, Quebec
10.) Lennoxville, Quebec.
11.) Manyberries, Alberta.
12.) Mile 1019, Alaska Highway, Yukon Territory.
13.) Prince George, British Columbia.
14.)  Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere, Quebec.
15.)   Scott, Saskatchewan.
16.)   Smithers, British Columbia.
17.)  Experimental Fox Ranch - Summerside, Prince Edward Island.
18.)  Experimental Station - Farnham, Quebec.
19.)  Experimental Station - Invermere, British Columbia.
20.)  Experimental Station - Windermere, British Columbia.
21.)  Experimental Station - La Ferme, Quebec.
22.)  Experimental Station - Rosthern, Saskatchewan.
23.)  Experimental Substation - Yukon Territory.
24.)  Experimental Substation - Woodstock, Ontario.
25.)  Forage Crops Laboratory - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
26.)  Vegreville Research Farm - near Edmonton, Alberta.
27.)  Fruit and Vegetable Products Laboratory - Summerland, British Columbia.
28.)  Kapuskasing, Ontario Experimental Farm - Ontario.
29.)  Jean-Charles Chapais Experimental Farm - Levis, Quebec - Recently closed.
30.)  Charlottetown - Prince Edward Island.
31.)  Frelighsburg - Quebec
32.)  Greenbelt Research Farm - Nepean, Ontario.

The Kapuskasing Beef Research Farm - gone.

Agriculture Canada owned more than 2 million acres of land in 1985. A 1985 report by a Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and Minister of Public Works , the Hon. Erik Nielsen.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The government privatized billions of dollars worth of Crown property.

Archived - Canadian Federal Budget 1995
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Telefilm Canada and the National Film Board will be subject to cuts in the coming fiscal year of 4, 5 and 5 percent respectively. The government will undertake a fundamental review of its support, and the mandate of, the CBC, NFB and Telefilm Canada. (Page 104 of 197.)
     Land Transfers - Order-in-Council -Grant approval for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (a) to sell some 4, 898 square metres of land at 263 and 303 Mutual Street in Toronto, Ontario to Context Real Estate Inc. and (b) to convey another 4.970 square metres of land at 354 and 372 Jarvis Street in Toronto to the National Ballet School for a nominal sum. (Approved in 2000.)
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Headquarters on 1500 Bronson Avenue in Ottawa is now vacant. (1960's photo.)

Spending in the Natural Resources Canada portfolio will fall by $625 million over the next 3 years, and over 20 regional offices and labs will be closed.
(Page 95/197.)
NRCanada is the custodian of the Dominion Observatory Campus near Carling Avenue, Ottawa. Intense lobbying by government and heritage groups was instrumental in saving the complex.
The Prince George, British Columbia Forestry Canada Campus closed in 1996. Now the Fraser Institute is calling for the closure of the Pacific Forestry Centre, 506 West Burnside Road in Victoria B.C.

Agriculture Canada
The National Capital Commission and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada planned to demolish the Booth Barn at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Intervention by Heritage Ottawa, the Heritage Federation of Canada, the Province of Ontario and the City of Ottawa saved the barn.

The Greenbelt Research Farm encompassing 1,200 hectares of land bordered by Hunt Club Road, Woodroffe Avenue, Fallowfield Road and Greenbank Road  was decommissioned, and the National Capital Commission is parceling out the farm to entities such a a film studio and agricultural technology company.
The National Capital Commission wanted to buy the Greenbelt farm for $1 dollar in 1998, see the Tom Spears Ottawa Citizen article "Behind closed doors, with no one allowed to watch and listen, members of the National Capital Commission ponder making deals with Nortel, battling El Nino and buying the Experimental Farm for $1 dollar." (August 24, 1998.)
The Government of Canada is "getting out of the business of running experimental farms" according to a CBC article "Ottawa closing experimental farm" February 25, 2005.
National Capital Commission
The National Capital Commission will reduce its work force,...operate on a more commercial basis and continue to divest land holdings that are not critical to its role as a National Capital organization.
Greenspace that was destined to be part of Major's Hill Park in downtown Ottawa was sold to the American embassy where a building nicknamed "The Battleship" and "Fort Knox North" was constructed.

The Royal Roads Military College in Victoria. British Columbia and military base at CFB Chilliwack were decommissioned.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Postcards that depict buildings that are no longer owned by the People of Canada.

Smiths Falls, Ontario Dominion Building, 30 Russell Street East.
Gonzales Observatory, 302 Denison Road, Victoria British Columbia. (
The Fairmont Academy RCMP Building located at 4949 Heather Street, Vancouver, British Columbia is currently on the market.(hippostcards.)
Windsor Ontario Armouries. Sold to the University of Windsor a few years ago.
Prison for Women, 40 Sir John A. Macdonald Boulevard, Kingston, Ontario. I bought this card a few years ago at the  Corrections Canada Museum gift shop on King Street across from the Pen.
Peggy's Cove Lighthouse, Nova Scotia. (A Journey of Postcards.)
Chateau Laurier Hotel, 1 Rideau Street Ottawa. A tunnel connected the hotel to the Grand Trunk railway station across the street. (eBay)
The Dominion Public Building, One Front Street West, Toronto Ontario. (chuckmantorontonostalgia,)

Fort Garry Hotel and Union Station , Winnipeg, Manitoba. A tunnel connected the hotel to the train station.(The Jumping Frog.)

Royal Roads Military College, Victoria British Columbia. Closed by the Chretien government in 1995. (Postcard for sale on eBay.) There were many Classified and Recognized Federal Heritage Buildings on the property.

The New Westminster Federal Penitentiary, British Columbia. (

Ottawa Normal School, 195 Elgin Street. Now part of Ottawa City Hall. (eBay.)

The Trenton, Ontario Post Office during the 1960's. (eBay.)

The Paul Martin Senior Dominion Building, Windsor, Ontario. Recently sold to the City of Windsor for $1 dollar. (eBay,)
A Canada Post Delivery Building, 40 Bay Street Toronto. The former Air Canada Centre, now Scotiabank Place. (

The Higinbotham Dominion Building, 704 4th Avenue South, Lethbridge, Alberta. The post office with the clock tower is currently for sale. (Peel's Prairie Provinces-University of Alberta.)

Central Canada Exhibition, Lansdowne Park Ottawa. During the 1940's the Government of Canada owned the buildings.(HipPostcard.)
A photograph of my Dad walking by the Aberdeen Pavilion Ottawa during the early 1940's.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

All of the buildings on the Experimental Farm are endangered.

In 1996 the National Capital Commission and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada authorized the demolition of the Booth Barn Complex:
Heritage Ottawa; the Heritage Canada Foundation; the Province of Ontario and the City of Ottawa saved the Booth Barn.

 The Friends of the Farm are worried about the future of:
The Observatory Campus - The Chretien government faced immense public opposition when they tried to level the buildings in 1995.
The William Saunders Building
Heritage House (#60)
The Genetics Building (#34).
(Friends of the CEF Fall 2017 newsletter.)
In a few years the Civic Hospital will want to expand and the federal government and City of Ottawa will cave into their demands.  Then the people of Canada will lose:
The K.W. Neatby Building.
The Sir John Carling Building annex.
The Tropical Greenhouse - which is located on Maple Drive across from the William Saunders Building. The projected location of a new Civic Hospital--- intersection of Carling Avenue and Preston Street, and bordered by Prince of Wales Drive and Maple Drive.
Laboratory Services Building #22 - Carling Avenue, near the Neatby building.
Laboratory Services Building, Carling Avenue Ottawa.

 Apparently the Dominion Observatory campus was removed from the land deal (temporarily in my opinion) in exchange for lands on the east side of the Sir John Carling site:
     "Site 11 centres on the former site of the Sir John Carling Building towards the northeastern site of the Central Experimental Farm. Site 11 was retained from the 2016 HDR report. However, its boundaries were modified to exclude existing buildings including the Dominion Observatory, creating an irregularly shaped parcel. Additional lands to the east including parcels under PSPC and NCC ownership were added to compensate for the loss in area occupied by existing buildings in the west. The modified candidate site is bounded by Carling Avenue to the north, Preston to the east and Prince of Wales to the southeast. 

  • Land Area: 20 hectares/50 acres.
  • Owner:  Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Public Services and Procurement Canada, NCC. (Note: The true owners of the Experimental Farm are the people of Canada, yet we have no control over the disposition of our property; the demolition of Crown buildings and zoning changes...AC, the creator of this blog.)
  • National Interest Land Mass Status: Yes. (National Interest Land Mass properties are protected from redevelopment in perpetuity. As Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan said in 1975 the Farm is "untouchable"...AC, the creator of this blog.)
  • Existing Land Use:  Federal Facilities/Employment, Informal Greenspace, Park.
  • Long term planned use: Federal Facilities/ Employment, Greenspace. (Twelve acres of the 60 acres donated to the hospital have been rezoned "mixed use" to facilitate the construction of residential and commercial buildings, most likely along Carling Avenue. During the 1990's I heard a city councillor predict that a wall of condos would line Carling Avenue one day.)
(From: NCC Federal Site Review for the New Civic Campus - Page 27 of 256 pages.)
I am not the only person who believes that Queen Juliana Park, 870 Carling Avenue will be given to the hospital:
  1.)   "I foresee there will be a lot of objections to rezoning Queen Juliana Park from parkland to institutional so the drama isn't over at City Hall". (New Civic hospital-Skyscraper Forum, Page 30.)
2.)     "Queen Juliana Park is also part of this land deal and will be lost." (Ottawa Civic Hospital update to GACA residents - September 2017.)
There is a deliberate, on-going effort to privatize Government of Canada properties:

Former Agriculture Canada properties:
1.)  Jean-Charles Chapais Research Farm - Levis, Quebec.
2.)  Gamelin Research Farm - Gatineau, Quebec. Dismantled by the National Capital Commission.
3.)  Delhi Research Farm - Ontario.
4.)  Kapuskasing Beef Research Farm - Ontario.
5.)  Upton Experimental Farm - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
6.)  Fort Vermillion Experimental Farm - Alberta.
7.)  Vegreville Research Farm - near Edmonton, Alberta.
8.)  Cereal Research Centre - Winnipeg, Manitoba.
9.)  Smithfield Experimental Farm - City of Quinte West,, Ontario.
10.)Greenbelt Research Farm - "As of March 31, 1998 the Greenbelt Research Farm, which covers 1,200 hectares (2.965 acres) of land bordered by Hunt Club Road, Woodroffe Avenue, Fallowfield Road and Greenbank Road, ceased to function as an Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Centre. This was announced in the 1995 Federal Budget."
11.)Senator Herve J. Michaud Research Farm, Bouctouche, New Brunswick - Member of Parliament Dominic LeBlanc was opposed to the closure of the centre on April 13, 2012.
12.) Frelighsburg Experimental Farm - Located 90 km SE of Montreal. Closed in 2012, reopened by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
13.)  Vineland Research Farm - Lincoln, Region of Niagara Ontario.
14.)  Kamloops Research Farm - British Columbia - Closed in May of 2013.
15.)  L'Assomption Research Farm - Quebec. L'Assomption is an off-island suburb of Montreal.
16.)  La Pocatiere Research Farm - Quebec.
17.)  Sheffield Research Farm - Upper Canard, Nova Scotia.
18.) Central Experimental Farm, Carling Avenue Ottawa. In 1988, 91 acres of land were sold, the Clyde/Merivale lands. Walmart, the Skyline Towers and many other entities now inhabit the space.

The 4H House on the Ottawa Farm was also facing an uncertain future.

Friday, August 16, 2019

More reasons why a hospital should not be built on the Experimental Farm.

1.)  The Experimental Farm on Carling Avenue is a National Interest Land Mass. National Interest Land Mass properties are protected from encroachment in perpetuity:
     "NILM Lands: "The national institutions and symbols, rivers and canal banks, Confederation Boulevard, the parkway corridors, Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt will be retained 'in perpetuity'." (From: "The 1988 Plan for Canada's Capital-National Capital Commission").
                                            National Interest Land Mass
     "Identifies lands that are essential to the achievement of the National Capital Commission's mandate. Lands identified within the NILM are required to support the symbolism, functions, physical structure, and natural and cultural landscape qualities of Canada's Capital. A NILM designation indicates a formal expression of the federal governments long-term use of these lands in a manner that supports Canada's Capital." (From: [PDF]" Proponent's Guide to the NCC's Federal Land Use." Page 7/20. September of 2018.)

2.) The Friends of the Central Experimental Farm are concerned about the future of several buildings:
     "Buildings of concern are those within the Dominion Observatory Campus; the William Saunders Building; the Heritage House (#60); and the Genetics Building (#34)." (From: Friends of the CEF Fall 2017 newsletter.)

3.)  During the year 1998 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada accepted the Historic Sites and Monuments Board recommendation to designate the CEF as "a cultural landscape of national historic and architectural significance." (From: Heritage Ottawa| 50 Years/50 Stories - Number 23.)

4.)  The Central Experimental Farm may be designated a UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Landscape. A representative from the government of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau signed the UN "Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage" treaty.

5.)  "The ongoing long-term experiments on Field No. 1 earned Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada a citation in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007 Nobel Peace Prize." ("How relocating a hospital could compromise Canada's agricultural innovation" by Peter Anderson, -Special to October 6, 2015.)
Research conducted on the Farm helped  the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change win the 2007  Nobel  Peace Prize.

My heart sank when I watched a video of the Sir John Carling Building demolition. I have walked or taken bus rides past the landmark thousands of times. (Photo from
Federal government views protection policy.
Sir Sandford Fleming.
CEF Master Plan 1973.
Dominion Observatory Campus Master Plan - prepared by NRCan 2002.
CEF 2000 Master Plan.
Dignitaries from other countries visited the Agriculture Canada property.
King George and Queen Elizabeth (1939).
 Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev( 1983).
Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev and Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan on the Central Experimental Farm. The William Saunders Building can be seen in the background.
According to the "Friends of the Central Experimental Farm" the William Saunders Building faces an uncertain future because of  the relocation of the Civic Hospital.

 Mr. Gorbachev and his wife Raisa Gorbacheva visited Ottawa during the year 1990 - "Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev wows them in Ottawa" -CBC Archives. "Gorbymania strikes Canadian Capital" - YouTube.
Anne, The Princess Royal (1982).
Her Royal Highness Princess Anne and Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan tour the National Historic Site beside Carling Avenue in Ottawa, July 5, 1982. ( Photo is from The Canadian Press/Andy Clark/ Windsor Star.)

(work in progress)