Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Canadian Tulip Festival selling 150 sculptures.

They cannot be that desperate for money. I think this is a real shame, the sculptures were a tourist attraction in the Westboro and Hintonburg neighbourhoods. I saw many people take photographs of the giant tulips. The Federal Department of Heritage should buy these unique and colourful icons before they are scattered to the winds. If I had enough money I would buy the entire collection and donate them to a museum or to an agency that appreciates their beauty.
Did the Tulip Festival contact the National Art Gallery on Sussex Drive or a museum?
An update on the fate of the tulips - August 28, 2019.
In late July of 2019 the Canadian Tulip Festival sold 100 out of 250 five-foot tulips, they were fifteen years or older. Fifty others were purchased by an airport, hotels, BIA's (Business Improvement Areas) and other entities. The Tulip Festival kept many of the most valuable icons. They will appear on sidewalks during the spring.

Mayor of Ottawa Jim Watson. (Canadian Tulip Festival photo.)

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