Thursday, August 15, 2019

Why does Larco own the Chateau Laurier Hotel?

The Chateau Laurier Hotel was a federal Crown asset until 1988, when CN Real Estate sold the hotel to the Canadian Pacific Railway. During the early 1980's I worked as a cleaning lady at the nearby Conference Centre, and as I walked by the Chateau I would sometimes think:
      "I own this building, and so did my ancestors. And if I ever have children, my descendents will own this building too."
I never earned enough money to purchase a house, but I and millions of other Canadians collectively  owned thousands of lighthouses;
The Fort Garry Hotel; Jasper Park Lodge; the Queen Elizabeth Hotel (Montreal;) the Scribe Hotel in Paris, France; the Hotel Macdonald (Edmonton); the Bessborough Hotel (Saskatoon); the Hotel Vancouver, which is another Larco investment and Hotel Beausejour.
 post offices;
 military bases;
 Agriculture Canada experimental farms;
 Fisheries and Oceans harbours;
 the New Westminster, Kingston, Collins Bay and Laval, Quebec federal prisons;
 Canada Mortgage and Housing properties;
 Expo 67 in Montreal;
 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation real estate;
100 acres of waterfront land in Toronto belonging to the Crown corporation Harbourfront;
 National Parks, including the parks in British Columbia that the Fraser Institute wants the Government of Canada to transfer to the BC provincial government:
Pacific Rim National Park
Gulf Islands National Park Reserve
Mount Revelstoke National Park
Kootenay National Park
Glacier National Park
Yoho National Park
Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve
A Fraser Institute document.
The Trudeau government should create a new law entitled "The Endangered Federal Landmarks Act" (2019). This law would preserve and protect Canadian properties that are outstanding examples of Canada's railway, maritime, military, agricultural, aeronautical, penitentiary, postal and architectural history. A list of endangered historical buildings and landscapes in my country:
The Chateau Laurier Hotel - railway history - Ottawa.
Rideau Canal National Historic Site of Canada - inappropriate redevelopment on land next to the Rideau Canal ---for example the Larco addition behind the Chateau in Ottawa; and the demolition of buildings/ construction of a hotel and commercial businesses at 25 Old Mill Road, Smiths Falls, Ontario.
Dominion Public Building - Toronto - a Canada Customs and Revenue Canada Building.
Peggy's Cove, the Bonavista Lighthouse and 1,000 more lighthouses - part of our maritime history, all privatized by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
The Almonte, Ontario Dominion Building - currently for sale, a former post office and Canada Customs Building.
The Higinbotham Dominion Building, Lethbridge, Alberta - currently for sale - a former post office/Manpower/ Canada Customs Building.
The Central Experimental Farm - Carling Avenue, Ottawa. Currently the focus of a major institutional and residential redevelopment.
Kingston Penitentiary - Kingston, Ontario.
Prison for Women - Kingston, Ontario.
Grain elevators - a vanishing silhouette.
The Espace 400e Pavilion, 100 Quai Saint-Andre, City of Quebec - currently for sale.
The Greenbelt that surrounds Ottawa - the custodian is the National Capital Commission.
"The Foreign Investment Review Agency" was created in 1973 to ensure that foreign acquisition of businesses in Canada was beneficial to the country.---especially in the railway, communications, natural resources and tourism sectors. If Brian Mulroney had not scrapped FIRA, the following events would never have happened:
1.)The sale of a Crown corporation called CN Rail to American Bill Gates and friends.
2.)The sale of Canada's railway hotels to American investors and Saudi Arabian royalty.
3.)The takeover of Inco Mining of Sudbury by a Brazilian mining corporation.
4.)American billionaire Barry Diller (Fox News; Paramount) would never have been permitted to own the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's communications infrastructure---600 transmission towers and thousands of transmitters and transmission sites. We will never find out who bought the Crown assets because of a confidentiality agreement.

The Dominion Public Building, One Front Street West. Toronto. (Photo from One Front||Larco| architectsAlliance-Page 7 - Urban Toronto.) This landmark right next to Union Station should never have been privatized; and nearly 2,000 federal public servants should never have been evicted from the premises.

Photographs I took of Princess Diana at the official opening of the Ottawa Police Station on Elgin Street - June 1983. Earlier in the day Prince Charles and Princess Diana attended a Kiwanis Club luncheon at the Chateau Laurier Hotel.