Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The government privatized billions of dollars worth of Crown property.

Archived - Canadian Federal Budget 1995
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Telefilm Canada and the National Film Board will be subject to cuts in the coming fiscal year of 4, 5 and 5 percent respectively. The government will undertake a fundamental review of its support, and the mandate of, the CBC, NFB and Telefilm Canada. (Page 104 of 197.)
     Land Transfers - Order-in-Council -Grant approval for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (a) to sell some 4, 898 square metres of land at 263 and 303 Mutual Street in Toronto, Ontario to Context Real Estate Inc. and (b) to convey another 4.970 square metres of land at 354 and 372 Jarvis Street in Toronto to the National Ballet School for a nominal sum. (Approved in 2000.)
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Headquarters on 1500 Bronson Avenue in Ottawa is now vacant. (1960's photo.)

Spending in the Natural Resources Canada portfolio will fall by $625 million over the next 3 years, and over 20 regional offices and labs will be closed.
(Page 95/197.)
NRCanada is the custodian of the Dominion Observatory Campus near Carling Avenue, Ottawa. Intense lobbying by government and heritage groups was instrumental in saving the complex.
The Prince George, British Columbia Forestry Canada Campus closed in 1996. Now the Fraser Institute is calling for the closure of the Pacific Forestry Centre, 506 West Burnside Road in Victoria B.C.

Agriculture Canada
The National Capital Commission and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada planned to demolish the Booth Barn at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Intervention by Heritage Ottawa, the Heritage Federation of Canada, the Province of Ontario and the City of Ottawa saved the barn.

The Greenbelt Research Farm encompassing 1,200 hectares of land bordered by Hunt Club Road, Woodroffe Avenue, Fallowfield Road and Greenbank Road  was decommissioned, and the National Capital Commission is parceling out the farm to entities such a a film studio and agricultural technology company.
The National Capital Commission wanted to buy the Greenbelt farm for $1 dollar in 1998, see the Tom Spears Ottawa Citizen article "Behind closed doors, with no one allowed to watch and listen, members of the National Capital Commission ponder making deals with Nortel, battling El Nino and buying the Experimental Farm for $1 dollar." (August 24, 1998.)
The Government of Canada is "getting out of the business of running experimental farms" according to a CBC article "Ottawa closing experimental farm" February 25, 2005.
National Capital Commission
The National Capital Commission will reduce its work force,...operate on a more commercial basis and continue to divest land holdings that are not critical to its role as a National Capital organization.
Greenspace that was destined to be part of Major's Hill Park in downtown Ottawa was sold to the American embassy where a building nicknamed "The Battleship" and "Fort Knox North" was constructed.

The Royal Roads Military College in Victoria. British Columbia and military base at CFB Chilliwack were decommissioned.

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