Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Experimental Farm land in Ottawa was given to a hospital before the following investigations were carried out:

  • Transportation studies.
  • Servicing studies.
  • Environmental Assessment studies.
  • Phase 1 Environmental Assessment studies.
  • A Geo technical report.
  • Wind and shadow analysis.
  • Cultural heritage impact studies.
  • Noise, site and landscape studies.
  • Parking strategy studies.
  • Architectural and urban design plans.
  • Tree conservation reports.
 (The above information is from page 59/79 from [PDF]-Official Plan and Zoning-Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus-Part of 930 Carling Avenue and 520 Preston Street, Ottawa.)
1.) A local transportation study from October 2002:
                                Table 2. Summary of Existing Conditions
Road Name and Section                                                     Peak Directional Volume (veh/h)
Baseline Road-Merivale to Prince Of Wales                    2,000

Carling Avenue-Hwy 417 to Booth                                  2,000

Merivale Road-Clyde to Baseline                                       900

Merivale Road-Baseline to Kingston                              1,200

Merivale Road-Kingston to Carling                               1,200

Merivale Road-Carling to Hwy 417                               n/a

Fisher Avenue-Dynes to Carling                                   1,000

Prince of Wales Drive-Dynes to Preston                      1,500

Preston Avenue-Prince of Wales to Carling                 1,100

Preston Avenue-Carling to Hwy 417                              800

Parkdale Avenue-Carling to Hwy 417                           600

Holland Avenue-Carling to Hwy 417                             800

Road Capacity
"The results of the analysis suggest that Baseline Road and Prince of Wales Drive are currently operating at capacity during the peak commuter hours, and that there is spare capacity on the balance of the arterial road network within the study area." (Emphasis mine, AC.)
Arterial roads with spare capacity during the year 2002:
Baseline Road
Carling Avenue
Merivale Road
Fisher Avenue
Prince of Wales Drive
Preston Avenue
(Information is from "Central Experimental Farm Historic Site Management Plan" Page 7/20)
2.)  Cultural heritage impact studies.
The construction of a hospital on 51 acres of federal government land, and the City of Ottawa's "Preston-Carling District Secondary Plan" will have a major, negative impact on the following landscapes, buildings and neighbourhoods:
The Central Experimental Farm National Historic Site of Canada and National Interest Land Mass.
The Rideau Canal National Historic Site of Canada and UNESCO World Heritage Site,
The Dow's Lake Pavilion.
Commissioners Park.
The Dominion Observatory Campus.
The Historic Shrub Collection near the DARA Tennis Club.
Civic Hospital Neighbourhood.
Prince of Wales Drive.
The National Capital Commission Scenic Driveway.
Little Italy - "Petition-City of Ottawa Planning Committee-Stop the rezoning of Parks to Condos, Queen Juliana in Little Italy"
     "The City of Ottawa Planners are rezoning Little Italy to medium to high density condos for the area bounded by the 417 north to Carling south to Rochester East and the railroad tracks west. By doing this rezoning it is elimination of one park in our area used by the community at large. It is Queen Juliana Park located at 870 Carling Avenue.
 The Queen Juliana Park was founded in 1976 when the Federal government tore down the Temporary Buildings.The purpose of construction of this historical (park) was to honour Queen Juliana of Holland who donated thousands of tulip bulbs to Ottawa and to relocate community uses of the Commissioners Park to Juliana Park in 1976 when Italian Week and St. Anthony's Church used Commissioner Park for its activities to celebrate Italian Canadian Culture.
     In 1976 Mr. Edes of the National Capital Commission convinced Public Works to create the Park for community use because the NCC was not going to allow the Association to use Commissioners Park for its festivities. Accordingly the local community has used Queen Juliana Park for many of its festivities including the Victoria Day May 10 to 24th, the Native Indian Pow Wow June 16th to 20th and the Canada Day Festival June 27th to July 2.
     It would be very shameful for the City of Ottawa Planning to rezone these two Parks residential for high rise condos. Our Community has very few parks for the amount of residents in the area."
3.) Architectural and urban design plans.

4.) Noise, site and landscape studies.
        DEFINITION AND ASSESSMENT OF CULTURAL LANDSCAPES OF HERITAGE VALUE ON NATIONAL CAPITAL COMMISSION LANDS - December 2004. Prepared by Julian Smith & Associates Contentworks Inc. for The Design and Land Use Division, Capital Planning and Real Asset Management Branch, National Capital Commission.
Small-scale cultural landscapes within the Rideau Canal Corridor:
  • Queen Elizabeth Driveway and Commissioner's Park.
  • Colonel By Driveway
  • Central Experimental Farm (The NCC owns recreational pathways, lands adjacent to the Rideau Canal and the Driveway that crosses the CEF.
  • Island Park Drive. 
(Information is from Page 39/109, Definition and Assessment of Cultural Landscapes of Heritage Value on NCC lands, 2004.)
The major designated cultural landscapes in the region are:
  • Parliament Hill
  • Major's Hill Park.
  • Rideau Hall
  • Rockcliffe Park
  • Queen Elizabeth Driveway, and
  • The Central Experimental Farm. (From Page 43/109 of the above-mentioned 2004 document.)
The Queen Elizabeth Driveway Cultural Landscape encompasses several NCC properties containing key character-defining elements. These include:
  • NCC land on either side of the road, including Commissioner's Park and Brown's Inlet.
  • NCC land along the perimeter of Dow's Lake. (From Page 66/109 of the above-mentioned 2004 document.)
"The protection of the landscapes of national value in the Capital, through cooperation with all levels of government, the community and the private sector is identified as a goal in the NCC's Plan for Canada's Capital (1999), p. 48."
A photograph taken in June of 1952, Dow's Lake Ottawa. (Archives of Canada.)
5.)  Tree conservation reports.
The crab apple trees that were planted by Isabella Preston will be removed when Prince of Wales Drive is widened. "The future of the Prince of Wales crab apples" -" I believe that Prince of Wales could become a four-lane road leaving Isabella's trees closer to salt and traffic." (From: Friends of the Central Experimental Farm newsletter, page 3/12, Spring 2018.)
Views of the Dominion Arboretum will be compromised. The Arboretum covers 64 acres of rolling land between Prince of Wales Drive, Dow's Lake and the Rideau Canal. An Arboretum is defined as "A botanical garden devoted to trees."
Ancient ginkgo trees are located near the William Saunders Building, close to the Ottawa Hospital boundary. An August 18, 1977 Ottawa Journal article.

6.)  Potential light pollution or light trespass. During the year 2008 residents who lived near the Royal Ottawa Hospital on Carling Avenue complained about the illumination from a sign at the ROH, because the intrusive lighting was preventing them from sleeping. Comments included: "The area is close to the Experimental Farm, which provided the area with relief from the effects of over illumination.The sign has reduced the darkness and visibility of the night sky."
"The Royal Ottawa is a mental health facility, not a hospital with emergency services."
More comments:
"I just think it's bizarre they put it up. It's not Vegas."
"We spent a year asking them nicely and they spent a year ignoring us." (Royal Ottawa's glowing sign sparks anger.)
 Emergency services will be provided at the hospital on the Experimental Farm and at least a dozen auxiliary departments are planned for the site. I assume that the parking lots, LRT stations, pathways and signs will be illuminated at night for safety and security reasons.
Auxiliary departments:
---services for the care of dependents.
---dental, pharmacy and educational services.
---use as accommodation, clinics, food and service facilities and retail.
---community centres, athletic facilities and other public services.
---diagnostic laboratories.
---education and research institutions.
---parking and transit services.
---multi-use pathways connected to the community. (From: Ground lease agreement-Greenbelt Alliance of Canada's Capital, 2018, page 10/70.)

A 2008 night time photo taken by a local resident.


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