Friday, November 8, 2019

The NCC may widen the National Capital Commission Scenic Driveway.

If the Civic relocates to the Farm, all roads in the vicinity with the exception of Prince of Wales Drive will be impacted:
"The National Capital Commission Scenic Driveway is a tree-covered route flanked with bike trails. All of the roads serving the site, with the exception of Prince of Wales Drive are expected to be widened to account for a greater density of traffic." From: A 2016 Library and Archives Canada document Regenerating the Experimental Farm Page 30/74.)The Dow's Lake parking lot and 870 Carling Avenue were zoned as General Urban Area.
The following report is from the year 2003:
"It should be noted, however, that certain uses permitted by the General Urban Area designation for the lands abutting Carling Avenue, west of Prince of Wales, are not consistent with the achievement of the vision of the CEF Management Plan. This designation permits all types and densities of housing as well as shopping, entertainment and industrial."
"It should be noted that the Official Plan also identifies both Prince of Wales Drive and the Driveway as Scenic-Entry Routes, setting out certain criteria that apply for development applications adjacent to these sites."
(CEF National Historic Site Management Plan-7/20.)
One of the major reasons why a health care facility cannot be built on the Central Experimental Farm---the roads cannot handle any more traffic:
     "The results of the analysis suggest that Baseline Road and Prince of Wales Drive are currently operating at capacity during the peak commuter hour and that there is spare capacity on the balance of the arterial road network within the study area." (CEF National Historic Site Management Plan-Page 7/20, a 2003 report.)
The following arterial roads had "spare capacity" 16 years ago:
Baseline Road
Carling Avenue
Merivale Road
Fisher Avenue
Prince of Wales Drive
The 99-year lease agreement signed by TOH and the Federal Government, giving TOH 60 acres of land for a hospital, was signed on February 23, 2018.
As of November 15, 2017, a traffic impact study had not been conducted. Because a traffic impact study would negate or nullify the entire project. The Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association voiced their concerns in a newsletter:
      "CHNA is convinced it is in the best interest of the citizens of Ottawa and hospital patients from across the NCR and beyond, that five major studies be completed before the zoning amendments can be considered and Holding Provision can be applied:
  • A baseline study of current traffic conditions as residents currently note that key streets in or adjacent to the Civic neighbourhood are operating at maximum capacity. (Parkdale and Bronson Avenue for example.)
  • A study that anticipates the increased traffic load anticipated from the known large developments slated for the nearby area:
Bronson ;Westgate; Gladstone; original Civic Campus; Booth and Rochester Street redevelopments.   (From: CHNA's comments on the proposed Civic Hospital zoning-Have your say-November 15, 2017.)

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